The following is a historical list of all the teams that have competed at least one season in the AFL12. Please use this list as a reference when choosing the city name and nickname (and consequently the initials) for a team of which you are taking ownership. You may not use the same initials, city name or nickname of a team that has previously existed in the league.

BB Berlin Bears
DD Dumfries Dragons
DD2 Dumfries   Draconems
DM Davis Motorheads
EP Erwin Poseidons
HBD Headley Black Dogs
HP Holt Packers
KCJ Kansas City Jazz
KWF Key West Flying Dutchmen
MB Miller Bulldogs
MDD McCune Dirt Devils
MSM Maize South Mavericks
NOP New Orleans Po' Boys
PGB Philly Golden Bears
PIB Put-In-Bay Panthers
PR Pacific Raiders
PW Prichard Wolfpack
SAM San Antonio Maulers
SSS Saint Sebastian Storm
TD Taipei Doom
TP Turner Penguins
TT   Taipei   Thundercocks
WB Wichita Blitz
WLJ West London Jabberwocky
WWBS Wagga Wagga Blazing Saddles